BIAS Media
2 min readMar 12, 2020



“To be able to concentrate for a considerable time is essential to difficult achievement” -Bertrand Russell

Concentration is an ability which if mastered can do wonders for our professional as well as personal life. This ability while fuelling the will power continuously, develops a solid understanding of our craft. With an unlimited no. of benefits, the boons of concentration are beyond the very scope of this article. But, this article, in short summarises and discusses some of the practical techniques which can help to improve the concentration powers in our children. The following ways can benefit not just children reading them but also the parents and anybody who just wants to enhance their skills.

Play Focus Games and do exercises to improve attention: One of the core traits of concentration is attention. As attention improves, we begin to experience more in a short span of time. Crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles and card games such as ‘Memory’ and ‘Uno’ actually improve attention for words, numbers and pictures, while picture puzzles — in which your child has to look for things that are ‘wrong’ in the picture or look for hard-to-find objects — also improve attention and increase concentration.

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Develop a daily routine of doing things: A healthy daily routine is of utter importance for anybody practicing concentration. Try to make your kids follow a scheme and system of carrying out day-to-day tasks smoothly. To know more about developing daily routines in your life, click here.

Minimize distractions and just focus: Setting up your room or area of concentration has been proven to improve concentration on any task. Just make sure, your surroundings are conducive to your craft and elements like mobiles and other electronic devices should be switched off completely.

Divide bigger tasks into smaller ones: Concentration is often observed more in doing small 20–25 min tasks than exhaustive 1 hr or 2 hr long tasks. Therefore, break down your craft in smaller agendas and then try to complete it in 2–3 sessions (1 session= 25 minutes of intense focus).

Breathe: Breathing naturally and then being aware of every snuff and puff is an ancient eastern wisdom to enhance concentration. Set aside a period of time in your schedule daily to just breathe and be in the moment.

Take a nap: Sleeping and resting can give a tremendous amount of energy when you wake up. This in turn improves concentration. Therefore, it is advisable to take at least 7–9 hours of sleep daily and then after some breathing exercises start working on your assignment right away for maximum concentration.



BIAS Media
BIAS Media

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